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AEI Sixth Year 1966-67
AEI Sixth Year 1966-67
Friday August 25, 2017

Jim Tait, Martin Moncrieff, Andy Spence, Jimmy Brown, Colin Stove, Robin Barclay, Leonard Johnson, Alec Laurenson, Maurice Smith, Jack Greenwald, Peter Leask, Jim Johnson

Mavis Gray (Stuart), Valerie Jamieson, Mary Hepburn, June Robertson (Wishart), Yvonne Henderson (Laurenson), June Johnson (Johnson), Isobel Sutherland (Sinclair), Laureen Johnson (Cooper), Lorraine Malcolmson (Kemp), Emmie Smith (Dalziel), Douglas Dalziel, Andy Johnson

Helen McMillan (Sinclair), Iris Isbister (Sandison), Margaret Leask (Jamieson), Christine Priest (Brown), Margaret Stewart, Pat Gray (Macmillan), Christine Ratter (Smith), Georgia Smith (Grant), Morag Reid, Betty Peterson (Park), Christine Manson (Irvine), Beryl Nicholson (Smith), Magnus Ratter

Graham Sutherland, Frank Hay, Angus Jamieson, Doreen Kirkness (Gray), Low Moncrieff, Reggie Williamson, John Tait, George Jamieson, Gary Williamson, Geoff Hunter, Douglas Johnstone, Winnie Leask (Kay)

Dan an’ Noo – 50 year on

It is now (2017) 50 years since the “Institute” class of 1961-67 left school. We organised a 50-year reunion on August 25-26, 2017 to mark the occasion, for anyone who was ever in that class at any time. This website was set up to help with the organization of that reunion, and you should have had various information by telephone or email.

Check our News page for various posts – you can comment there on any post – and keep checking back for any new information. To comment, click on a post under Recent Posts and scroll down to the comment area. It will appear for everyone to see when it has been approved (approval is to prevent spam and inappropriate comment). Send digital images or anything else for publication here to Robin Barclay (see contacts).

Latest: the venue was Sound Hall, the small Baila Hall for Friday 25th (classmates) and the same for Saturday 26th August 2017 (classmates & partners – buffet dinner). Teachers were invited to the Friday night foy and it was great to meet them – see the photograph. It was a really great weekend. Nobody (except John Coutts who took the above) was taking photos on the Friday night but a lot of folk had their cameras/phones out on Saturday night – so send some of them to me (Robin Barclay) and we’ll put them up here – and any old photos of schooldays are still welcome. We’ll keep this website open for a while yet.

