More photos found – see Gallery2

I had a quick look in a certain box that I suspected might have some photos from this time – and found some I had forgotten existed. I know there may be more somewhere. I think we mucked around in the school darkroom – some look as if we developed them ourselves. I had completely forgotten about the 5th year Up Helly A’ squad (I remember the 6th year one but don’t think I have any photos). If you find anything among your photos, scan and send it in as a jpg file (needn’t be that big).

I have put these on the Gallery2 page – which is a gallery grid offered by WordPress. The images are small in the grid, but can be seen at their proper ratio, and larger, if you click on any. If you then “view image” it will open full size as uploaded (these are reduced-size images to save website space, I can supply larger originals on request). On a PC right-click the image and choose “view image” – on anything else figure it out for yourselves (on a tablet, eg. an iPad, just drag it larger).

Robin Barclay

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